One of the things that make the difference, and why Coffee Presses work so well, is that the hot water and the coffee grounds get plenty of time together, taking full advantage of each other’s company, before being dashed into your cup and splashed with lighteners and sweeteners.  This intricate & important tryst is nearly denied them by a drip coffee maker!

To be explicit, with a drip coffee maker, Mr. Water finishes before Ms. Coffee is spent.  Water doesn’t mean to be an inconsiderate partner, he is just a product of his environment, bound by the mechanisms he’s subjected to.  With nothing to properly restrain him, when Water is done, Coffee still has a lot more left in her.

So this partnership IS for them, but more importantly, it’s for you!  When Water’s through, Coffee still has 20-25% of her stuff still available.  Inevitably, all that wasted goodness goes right in the trash (or if lucky, perhaps in your garden).  But wasted coffee = wasted money!  Pity.

None of this wasted business happens with Coffee Presses (unless YOU’re premature, and don’t let the grounds steep long enough).  Water no longer has to feel ashamed and make lame excuses for leaving his partner unfulfilled!  His claims of, “Really, it’s not my fault – Honest, I can do better – I promise!” are now proven true!

So, with Coffee Presses, Water and Coffee get the time they need together, and the magic gets to happen!  At the end of the deal, both are spent and satisfied, and the result of their union is this delightful creation for you.

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